Bookseller Catalogs


By Andrew Cahan: Bookseller, Ltd.

E-LIST 65: STIEGLITZ AND HIS CIRCLE E-LIST65 I am pleased to offer for sale a large selection of hand-pulled photogravures from publications under the direction of Alfred Stieglitz: AMERICAN PICTORIAL PHOTOGRAPHY, Series 1 & 2; CAMERA NOTES; CAMERA WORK. The prints are by: Charles I. Berg, Will Cadby, Eustace G. Calland, Rose Clark & Elizabeth Flint Wade, Emilie V. Clarkson, Alvin Langdon Coburn, Baron Adolf De Meyer, Frank Eugene, Frederick H. Evans, Herbert Greer French, Gertrude Käsebier, W. B. Post, George H. Seeley, George Bernard Shaw, Eduard Steichen, Edmund Sterling, Alfred Stieglitz, and Clarence H. White.beth Flint Wade, Emilie V. Clarkson, Alvin Langdon Coburn, Baron Adolf De Meyer, Frank Eugene, Frederick H. Evans, Herbert Greer French, Gertrude Käsebier, W. B. Post, George H. Seeley, George Bernard Shaw, Eduard Steichen, Edmund Sterling, Alfred Stieglitz, and Clarence H. White.

Edward S. Curtis Prints

By David Spilman Fine Books

Edward S. Curtis Prints Twelve Prints from the North American Indians, Volume X, 1915

1914 Photogravure Prints on Japanese Tissue of

The Kwakiutl, Northern Vancouver Island, and coast of British Colombia

How to request a print version: Please see the catalogue details at

Pazzo Catalog 6: Refertus

By Pazzo Books

Pazzo Catalog 6: Refertus One hundred and thirty-nine books and related items on food and drink from the 16th to the 20th century. Scappi's 1570 Opera, a tin blackbird pie toy, the first Mexican Cookbook from 1831, a binder full of hundred of canned fruit and vegetable labels and grocery displays, a French restaurant receipt from 1660 and much more.

How to request a print version: Email to:

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